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41 Results / Page 3 of 5



I Have Multiple Partners… So Who Do I Live With?

Society pressures us to take a certain path in our relationships — date casually, date exclusively, move in together, get married and finally have babies (in more or less that order) When you make the decision to start living an Ethical Non-Monogamous or polyamorous life, a lot of things change. Suddenly this path becomes merely a suggestion.

todayFebruary 9, 2022 140


Is anyone listening to the radio any more?

October 12, 2021Okay, is there anyone listening to the radio anymore? You may be asking this question out of concern for the industry as a participant. Perhaps, you run an online radio station and can't seem to figure out why your audience numbers are not up!The continual rise and adoption of new music streaming platforms such as Spotify also seems to pose a danger to radio. Podcasts may be said […]

todayFebruary 9, 2022 179


A Beginner’s Guide to the Swinger Lifestyle

A Beginner’s Guide to the Swinger Lifestyle The swinger lifestyle may still be considered taboo by some people, but it’s far more accepted today than ever. In fact, the statistics on swinging in Canada make for a fascinating read: About 90,000 out of 200,000 men and women admit to regular swinging Around 500,000 people in the Canada indulge in swinging 95 percent of swingers questioned in a 2015 survey were […]

todayJanuary 31, 2022 73

Featured (SEX Positive Information and Education) Alberta Sex Positive Education & community Centre Message from CAPCclub, CAPC-elite, GTFORadio and GTFOOnLife. ASPECC has been providing information and education to our community via for over four years. They are a valued partner to our community and we welcome to continue to grow and provide the information and education that they do. Thank you to the team at ASPECC.caAbout ASPECC.caWe are pleased to announce the launch […]

todayJanuary 18, 2022 329


Family in Need FUND RAISER

MERRY CHRISTMAS You Guys and Gals are amazing!! The Christmas Families Fundraiser was a huge success, raising over $2000 in cash and gift cards. Every penny went to help out Local Calgary LS families, who just needed a little bit of help this year to make Christmas happen. We used the money and gift cards to put presents under the tree for the little ones, to stock their fridges, and […]

todayDecember 23, 2021 179


What is a Throuple? is a throuple? A throuple, which is a mix of the words couple and three, is a romantic relationship between three people, in which every person is intimately linked with the other two. Although media representation usually focuses on two bisexual women and one straight man, throuples can consist of any kind of gender constellation. Throuples can be just as committed to one another as couples, despite lacking legal […]

todayDecember 14, 2021 547


How I Talk to My Kids About Polyamory How I Talk to My Kids About Polyamory My strategy for big conversations is matter-of-fact and honest Rachael Hope Follow Aug 20, 2019 · 8 min read Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash My 9 year old son likes to climb into bed next to me in the mornings to share cuddles and warmth. At times I feel crowded, but I try to remember that it won’t be this way forever, and enjoy the heat […]

todayDecember 1, 2021 180


Christmas Family in NEED Fund Raiser Along with the FOUR other LOCAL CLUBS, we have stepped up to spread some cheerOn four different nights, at four different clubs we will be hosting Christmas Charity FundraisersThe proceeds are all going to go to local lifestyle families in need this holiday season.We are raising money to put presents under the three for the little ones, and food on the table of our fellow lifestylers!!!Nov 26th – CAPCClubNov […]

todayNovember 16, 2021 46


Exploring Alternative Lifestyles in Your Relationship Alternative Lifestyles in Your RelationshipIt’s a pretty well known fact that ‘happily ever after’ is a concept that is often easier said than done. People still cling to and admire the ideals of a long-term commitment and marriage and with a little effort and cooperation many find that it is actually doable when they have both feet in the relationship, whilst others are finding that finding a new partner […]

todayOctober 15, 2021 103


Calgary couple committed to sexual exploration

P.J. and Ms. Stacey promote alternative lifestyle in Calgary and beyond CAPCSome people go to nightclubs to get lucky. While most clubs discourage you from fornicating on the premises, the Calgary Adult Playground Centre (CAPC) offers a club atmosphere where intimate acts are permitted and often encouraged. “It’s not like you walk in through the door, you strip down and you jump each other,” said Peter Krenz, co-owner of CAPC. […]

todaySeptember 21, 2021 211

Beauty & Mayhem Production Agency

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