The Second Heartbeat with Bally
I am LIVE the last Friday of every Month.
Join us to take your relationship to the next level. From communication to your fantasies we will cover a variety of topics, do activities and have conversations that will allow you to discover new things about yourself and your partner, have better conversations and be comfortable with yourself and others when it comes to your sex life.
The Second Heartbeat on Monday, Check Schedule.
Can not wait to listen to Sex Talk go to Re-Play (s) or go to Requests and search Sex Talk_year/mth/day_1, 2 or 3.
Requests Play on within 15 minutes.
LIVE SHOW Nov 22nd 2021
Maintaining a Strong connection With Your Significant Other
LIVE SHOW Sept 24th 2021
Keeping Relationships Steamy.
Busy seems to be our world, not a new world as busy is what we are about. Lets put some busy to side for a some time and get some Steamy action going on between you and another. Bally will provide some ideas.
LIVE SHOW August 27th 2021
What it means to LOVE
9 steps to a Strong Relationship
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LIVE SHOW July 30th 2021
What it really means to have a supportive partner.
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LIVE SHOW June 25th 2021
Expectations & Fantasies when it comes to relationships.
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