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Polygamy versus Polyamory

      Polygamy vs Polyamory: Multiple Partners, Different Paths - Her Norm Polygamy vs Polyamory: Multiple Partners, Different Paths By Natalie Watkins December 11, 2023 SEX LIFE The vast majority of romantic relationships we see around us are usually monogamous.1 That’s usually true for our friends, our coworkers, and people we see in the media or elsewhere. Monogamy isn’t the only option, however, and lots of people are trying out alternative […]

todayJanuary 2, 2024 4


Common Sex Mistakes

Common sex mistakes you're probably making  A happy and fulfilling sex life is really important. Sharing intimacy and pleasure with another person is indeed an essential part of the human experience. Though many of us do make some mistakes in the bedroom—and we're not talking about using the wrong technique or the wrong position. Sexuality is much more than that, and in this gallery we look at some things that many […]

todaySeptember 30, 2023 48


The 7 Things Women Need Before Having Sex With a Younger Man The 7 Things Women Need Before Having Sex With a Younger ManBY ALICE WALSHDATING EXPERTUPDATED: 09/26/2019The appeal of having a relationship with an older woman comes from the unique dynamic of how things progress. Older women know what they want in a partner, and aren’t afraid to speak their minds.They’re confident, self-sufficient, and far more confident in bed to make sex with a younger man hit all the right spots.So, how […]

todayAugust 6, 2022 470 1


Why Calgary celebrates pride in September when June is ‘Pride Month’

You might be seeing all the rainbow flags, the corporate logos dressed up in rainbows or all the social media talking about "Pride Month," but Calgary's big weekend doesn't technically take place until the end of the summer.Calgary's Pride weekend used to take place in June, the same as many other celebrations across North America that commemorate The Stonewall Inn uprising in 1969. That's when a group of queer people rioted against […]

todayJune 4, 2022 245


Why Elon Musk Bought Twitter

The social network’s freewheeling poster child will pay forty-four billion dollars to take it private. What does he have in store? On Monday, Elon Musk bought Twitter for forty-four billion dollars. Musk, the C.E.O. of Tesla and the richest man on earth, plans to take the social-media company private, and has said that he wants Twitter to adhere more closely to the principles of free speech, which, in a statement, […]

todayApril 29, 2022 120


Exploring Alternative Lifestyles in Your Relationship It’s a pretty well known fact that ‘happily ever after’ is a concept that is often easier said than done. People still cling to and admire the ideals of a long-term commitment and marriage and with a little effort and cooperation many find that it is actually doable when they have both feet in the relationship, whilst others are finding that finding a new partner is sometimes just easier, and […]

todayApril 2, 2022 144

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Get the Fuck On Radio is a Radio like broadcast that streams to its listeners via the internet. GTFORadio provides information, education and entertainment for those that are curious, exploring and or living a Modern Alternative Lifestyle. is a Modern Alternative Lifestyle Radio that supports those that accept Multicultural, Heterosexual or LGBTQ lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, and queer that accept or are those that Love More than One. GTFO […]

todayApril 2, 2022 173 1

Beauty & Mayhem Production Agency

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